We have listed a few community resources that might be of help during this difficult time.
Benton Township Trustee
In Indiana, Township Trustees are able to help with emergency assistance regarding food, shelter, utility service, and other essential needs. For more information, visit this link or call our office at 812-339-6593. If you get voicemail, please leave a message and someone will call you back, usually within an hour.
Need a Face Mask or Shield?
The Benton Township Trustee and the Benton Township Volunteer Fire Department are official distributors of cloth masks and face shields from Monroe County Emergency Management. Please call our office for pick up information.
Groceries and prescription deliveries
Area 10/Rural Transit is available to make prescription and grocery deliveries in unincorporated portions of Monroe County. For individuals who are homebound and/or quarantined and need assistance, please use this link. For more information, contact Rural Transit at (812) 876-1079.
Meal pick up services for school-aged kids
For families with school-aged kids, MCCSC is offering meal pick up services at several locations, including Unionville Elementary, Danny Smith Park, Recycling Depot on Anderson Road, Knightridge Apartments, and University Elementary.
The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce has a special COVID-19 site with a large number of resources, such as state and local resources, economic assistance, HR and legal resources, and community business updates.
Helping Bloomington Monroe is a free service that provides basic needs to individuals and families in need.
No Space For Hate has a Google document with community-organized guides and information on a range of issues, including food, housing, and volunteer assistance needs.
Monroe County Public Health COVID-19 site
Indiana State Department of Health COVID-19 site
IU Health Virtual Clinic offers free Coronavirus Screening